Blue Letter Bible

Why Read Through The Bible?


There are several reasons, but here are a few:

1. Our general understanding of God is becoming one-dimensional: In most of our spaces and society these days, God gets mentioned only in relation to prayer requests and answered prayers. We rarely reflect on the Father, the Teacher, the Deliverer, the Just Judge, the Amazing Creator, the Ancient of Days, and the several other wonderful facets of our mighty God and King. So we read through the Bible with the hope of rediscovering the God of our faith, who is more than just the One that listens to and answers prayers. This discovery of the true God yields the next reason for reading, which is ... 

2. In discovering God, we gain confidence: Our faith in God is strengthened as we learn more about Him. We find out who He is, what He's done, why He does what He does, and how to be aligned with Him. We find out how eager He is to have us victorious, and how willing He is to give us the strength and grace to be His children. As you learn how much God loves you and wants you as His own, you gain boldness to stand in Him, to ask of Him, to wait on Him - because you know how well He will deliver for you. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

3. "the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding": There's no denying that several areas of life can baffling. Life as we know it is a complex mystery, and several events, both personal and global, leave us wondering why. The Bible explores several layers of complexities, and through God, we gain perspective. Not necessarily just answers, but perspective. And with this perspective comes peace, knowing that we are secure and safe in Him no matter what circumstances unfold in life. The assurance that "greater is He that is in us than he that's in the world". This assurance comes from knowing who God truly is, and this is made possible by reading the Bible.

4. Joshua 1:8 - Meditate, Execute, Good Success: One of the deepest impressions and burdens I've had in recent times is how there's a God that abounds in blessings and that yearns to bless His children, and how little of those blessings His children actualize on a day-to-day basis in their lives. 

The peace we yearn for in our minds and our relationships...

the joy to enjoy life's moments and live life abundantly...

the love to give and receive selflessly...

the wisdom to deal diligently and get the best outcomes in life's situations...

the access to resources...

the soundness of mind...

the power to live victoriously and overcome all kinds of challenges...

—all these and more are side effects of knowing and believing in the one true God. 

But we receive not, because we ask not. And we ask not, because we know not what to ask for. And we know not what to ask for, because we know not the One we belong to. 

All of this changes once we start to rediscover the God of our Faith. 


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